

Well we've been a bit slack recently at keeping you all up to date with our progress, probably because George buggered off to Mexico and Will to Germany... but we are getting back on top of our social media now. 

We have, though, reached the nice £1000 mark on our Virgin Giving page (thank you Chris Mak for that!). We really appreciate the support from all you generous folk who have sponsored us and shared the page.

And thank you Vicki for the added incentive! 

If you would like to, you can sponsor us here. Please pass onto friends and family who may like to sponsor us.

We have also had some brilliant corporate sponsorship... we are really excited to be working with a whole host of companies and kit suppliers who have supported us with some really fantastic items from charts from here and here to dry bags to expedition hammocks. We will be having a look at it all in due course..